Friday, May 26, 2006


My sister has
a little saying about perennial gardens that she rhymed off
the other night..

The 1st year they crawl,
The 2nd year they walk,
The 3rd year they run!

This shade garden that my angel hosts is about 3 years old. I planted the tulips last fall. They were a bag of mixed. I love the splash of color that they bring to this little corner of my yard.


twinmomplusone said...

ohh, love it...the pic AND the poem, so true! A garden is a constant work in progress, very humbling I think, no matter how you plan it, it takes a life of its own.fpnay

Silver Creek Mom said...


Mine are running away faster than I can keep up.

And I love you little Angel.

Anonymous said...

that's so true, what your sister said. i planted one on my front lawn three years ago and this year, it has gone completely crazy. my delphiniums are huge! and irises, daffodils like never before, mounds and mounds of phlox and lupins -- it's great!