Thursday, March 30, 2006

Skipping into Spring

My youngest has been carrying ths book and a couple of skipping ropes around with her all week. I turn the long rope for her before the bus
and then she packs her rope and book up for
more skipping fun at recess. After school she's off to find the girls in the hood to join in for more rhyming and jumping. I asked her if her feet were getting sore." No way mom." "Can you turn the skipping rope for me after supper?" Oh, to be a little girl and have all the time in the world to skip and sing! Brings back memories of double dutch.


twinmomplusone said...

oh my, I have to get that book

my 11 yr old has been skipping rope none stop too lately, they actually have to devise a routine as homework for gym class

yeah for your daughters for doing that with their friends, I did so much of that growing up, both rope and elastics, out for hours till mom came out in teh dark and literally dragged us back home, no TV for us back then and what great shape we were in!

BeachMama said...

I think that skipping rope is one of the fundamental things I will miss about not having a girl. I remember days and evenings skipping rope with my Mom. She was very good at it and could even get the double dutch going (something I never was able to master). Enjoy!